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Over 500,000 Used and Salvage Cars, Vans, Motorcycles and HGVs sold every year


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Search our inventory of 16,226 Used and Salvage vehicles.


Bid on daily auctions Monday–Friday.

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How to Start with Copart

With a Watcher Account, you’ll be able to search our massive inventory for used and salvage cars, vans, motorcycles, HGVs and more. When you become a registered, active Bidder – you’ll be able to jump right in and start bidding in our live auctions!
 Pay Annually Dedicated Member Services Access to over 10,000 vehicles weekly
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     Over 10,000 new vehicles listed every week  Find rare classic cars, supercars and restoration projects  Search through a wide-range of car categories - from Breakers to Minimal Damage Regular Motorbike, Motorhome and Agriculural & Plant auctions
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     365 Days of Membership  Exclusive access to bid on over 400,000 vehicles  Join and place bids in our 100% online auctions Purchase instant 'Buy It Now' Lots 10% Discount on parts with
    U-Pull-It Car Breakers

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What is Copart?

An industry leader in used and salvage car auctions handling more than 400,000 vehicles every year, Copart UK makes it easy for Members to find, bid and win the vehicles they are looking for through an exclusive online platform. Our 30+ years of experience within the salvage market makes us industry experts.

From cars, motorcycles, classic cars and commercial vans to HGV’s, plant machinery, motorhomesagricultural items, electric vehicles and more, our extensive inventory ensures that Members benefit from a variety of choice when bidding with us. Our vehicles all range from graded used to salvage and consist of categories such as CAT S cars and damaged repairable cars for sale. Members also have the ability to purchase great value used car parts in our auctions.

Copart has something for every buyer, including; body shops, dealers, dismantlers, workshops, scrap metal recyclers and individual sole traders. Copart puts the power to bid & win in your hands.

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